Thursday 4 September 2008

Was Constantine still pagan in practice?

I’ve just read an article which claims that Constantine still firmly worshipped Sol Invictus and believed in this god as much as the Christian God. If he was maintaining this belief then he was still practising paganism in reality and undermining the fundamental christian doctrine of exclusivity through pluralism. Is there much evidence to show he was worshipping other gods and how the church responded to this?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Was Constantine always a Christian?

I read an article which questions whether Constantine was converted at all and perhaps he had always been a Christian. The article suggests that Constantius (Constantine’s father) was also a Christian. It states that Constantine lied about his age during the Great Persecution (claiming he fourteen rather than thirty) to avoid criticisms from Christian groups such as the Donatists, for not having made himself a martyr. The article claims that the vision Constantine saw confirmed and strengthened his existing faith rather than converting him.